JP LOGAN Success

By Gurbaksh Chahal

Chairman & CEO at RadiumOne

Success doesn’t come by accident. It comes from consistent hard work in pursuit of a dream. It comes from a passion that drives you, day and night. And it also comes from constantly and diligently employing some key habits that position you for greatness.

Over the past four years my new venture, RadiumOne, has in every way surpassed my previous two businesses combined. This success comes from an innate desire to win.

I’ve often been asked about the internal steps I took in order to have achieved such success at such a young age. I tried to boil down my top 10 healthy habits that I believe account for success both professionally and personally.

1. Have a Laser-Like Focus

Never lose sight of the ball. Your eyes should be firmly glued on your target or end result. Don’t deviate from achieving that goal, whether it is hiring the best talent, developing a new product, or opening a new office. The more you focus on the key goal of the moment the more likely you are to nail it.

2. Do What You Do Best

Concentrate on your strengths. Understand and utilize your God-given talents. Don’t let success go to your head. I have driven the growth of three huge internet-based businesses. That doesn’t mean I know how to create and build a chain of grocery stores or auto dealerships. Focus on improving the ability you have in your own niche.

3. Be Frugal

It pays to watch every penny. It’s important when it’s your livelihood that’s at stake, and it’s even more important when you have employees and shareholders. My first office was the bedroom of the small home I shared with my father, mother, grandmother and three siblings. My second office, acquired only after revenues hit $300,000 a month, was 1,200 square feet of space. I never let superficiality win, as the only person I needed to impress, was myself.

4. Work with the Winners, Not the Losers

It’s essential to surround yourself with honest, smart and hard-working people who share your dream. You want people with the same positive attitude who are equally as determined. Inevitably, there will be times when you discover someone is not living up to your expectations – such is life. They might be dragging everyone else down. You can’t afford to be sentimental. You have to cut your losses. Fail fast, learn quickly.

5. Think About It

At the end of the day reflect on the events of the day. Mull them over, sifting through the phone calls and correspondence and meetings. Take some time to reflect on everything you’ve learned. You’ll be surprised how often a moment of quiet reflection will turn up the gem of an idea or the solution to a problem that earlier seemed insurmountable. READ MORE

JP LOGAN SuccessJP LOGAN and Associates


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