Gems 4 Jewels Virgin Hair by Sonya Taylor

Gems 4 Jewels

Virgin Hair Care

Gems 4 Jewels virgin hair is 100% human hair and has been treated for lice and nits. With the proper care, virgin hair can last anywhere from 9 months to 2 years. To get the longest life span out of your hair, you must take care of it like you would your natural hair.

  • Use mild shampoo and styling products. We recommend using nothing that contains sulfates or alcohol. Our “go to products” are Cream of Nature “sulfate free” shampoo and conditioner. 


  • Wash and deep condition your hair every 1-2 weeks. Conditioning is vital especially with wavy hair textures. This will help keep the hair from being dry and frizzy and will help the hair go back to its natural wave pattern.


  • Try to reduce the amount of heat your hair is exposed to by air-drying instead of blowdrying. Always use a heat protectant if you dry your hair with heat or if you curl or flat iron your hair. We also recommend using a low heat setting to protect the ends from becoming “split and dry”


  •  Avoid greasy or heavy products to moisturize your hair. Absolutely no oil sheen or grease should be used on this hair! We recommend using a little of Garnier Fructis Triple nutrition Nutrient spray. You may also want to try Creme of Nature Argan Oil.
  •  Do not neglect your own hair, especially if you have leaveout. Keep your scalp moisturized with Organic Root Stimulator Dry Scalp Relief Oil. Keep your edges laid with Creme of Nature Argan Oil perfect edges.


  • When dying your hair remember the harsher the dye, the more risk of damaging the hairs condition and texture after the process. I would recommend testing a few strands of the hair first before dying the entire weft. The best dying results happen when dying the hair on foil, not while installed.
  • Never use a paddle brush on your hair. This will cause excessive shedding. Try using a wide tooth comb especially when hair is wet. This will cut down on shedding. Also, sealing your wefts prior to install can help cut down on shedding. You can purchase fray check from your local Wal-Mart to seal your wefts.
  • Twist or braid hair at night to cut down on frizz and tangling. If you desire to wear your hair curly you may use the flexi rods. Make sure that you sleep with a satin scarf to maintain moisture.

Gems 4 Jewels by Sonya Taylor

I hope these tips help you to keep your hair looking fresh and fabulous!

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